at Chinmayanand Geeta discussion centre,Richmond,VA
22 nd Jan 2017
Good morning to every body . We are discussing 10th ch. which is called Vibhuti yog .As I had told in my last presentaion,Krishna has 6 opulances. I am not going in detail about it as it was discussed before ;but because of those opulances Krishna is VIBHUTI .Here in this ch. He elaborates and describes in detail ,so this ch. is called Vibhuti yog .
Krishna gives knowledge to Arjuna because He felt that Arjuna has now come out of all doubts &ready to understand.Sometimes,we call some person as vibhuti as we find something higher stage or personality in that person.Such as we call Shree Arbindo ,or Shree Ramkrishna Pramhans as VIBHUTI,or son of god JESUS in that matter. Now he is worshipes as God himself ! Anyways.This may create contradiction or discussion;so, let's come to our point and start with these three Geeta shlokas.
From 12 to 18 shlokas in this 10th ch.,Arjuna praises Krishna,does "stuti ".Then prays that Krishna should tell about specific places,where Krishna's presence is felt most, His "vyapak"- vast, "shaktiman"-strong, "satej"- enlightened,and "prasiddh"-famous existance;so, with help of those images he can do "chintan"-thinking or meditation of Krishna.
we read ,in Geeta,Krishna is addressing Arjuna with various names, according and appropriate to the relation of His speech .E.G.Dhananjay == winner of "dishas" -direction,-east,west like that . Parantap= big tapaswi-meditator,Paarth=son of Pruthaa, Kauntey=son of Kunti ,Bhaarat=who loves to know about "brahm vidyaa" which is also the light of knowledge,or a person from BHARAT dynaasty .Mhabaahu=strong big handed person. Arjuna has one more name "savy saachin"=a person who can do archery with both hands.In this 20th shloka Krishna addresses Arjuna as "Gudakesh" Krishna now knows that Arjuna has come out from the darkness -darkness of ignorance and now he could understand,how the Supreme Personality menifests in various ways in both world;material and spiritual. The meaning of Gudakesh is sleepless Harasser.Arjuna spent sleepless days and nights to learn archery to annihilate Kauravaas,He won over the sleep .As I think kesh means hair which stands for blackness i.e. darkness and Guda stands for coming out from that . This is my verson of Gudakesh .So Krishna addresses him as Gudakesh== who conquered the darkness of sleep-darkness of ignorance.
In these 3 and coming shlokas, Krishna says in very simple way where He is .He shows that ,as our "rom" pores of skin are uncounted; His places of existance- presence are also uncounted.There is no bigining, middle and end of His "vistaar "-largeness. He says, I am starting,middle and end of all creatures-the whole universe. I am "chetana"b or "AAtmaa" of all beings. I am seating in the heart of all beings .
In 20th shloka.He describes Himself in one sentance the "ark"=essense of whole ch. i.e. "I am aadi,madhy and end. THEN starts to elaborate.
Earlier also He had pointed about AADITYAS, RUDRAAS,VEDAS,ETC. . Here again He tells about it. There are 12 aadityaas namely,Dhaataa,Mit,AArymaa,Sha kraa,Vruna,Ansh,Bhaag,Vivaaswa an,Push,Savita, Tavsthaa and VISHNU .He says out of these He is Vishnu. VISHNU means "sarv vyaapak" --large one,endless one.--12 Aadityaas are descibed in Vedaas as children of Aditi,wife of rishi Kashyap.Each represents month of year. Vishnu is desc ribed most IMP. amongst all Aadityaas. Again Krishna says "I am the radiant sun,which means source of energies."
There are 11 Rudras. Maruts are sons of Rudra and RUGVED says Marichi is chief among them, which gives motion in air. Krishna is Marichi. We know if there is no moving air ,we feel suffocation and feel giddyness
Further He says,He is the moon in Nakshtraas. WE know there are 12 Nakshtraas .Every one has its own peculiarity.Moon is glorious,soothing and pleasent. There are 4 Vedaas Rugved, Yajurved, Atherv ved and Saamved. Saamved is part of Rugved;just like Geeta in Mahabharat. Geeta is accepted as "upnishad"named "GEETOPNISHAD" Saamved is also counted as seperate Ved. It shows joy of music and teaches singing style and Raagaas. RUCHAAS are to be sung in sweet differant RAAGAAS. Krishna loves music. He is always with flute. He is lover of music because He is Saamved,or we can say because He is SAAMVED , HE LOVES MUSIC..
Moving on to tell more, He says He is the king of Devaas.i.e. Indera .He controls, directs and orgnises Devaas,in their lives, to enjoy highest standard of living.Indra means king of "Indriyaas". - "indriyaanaam raajaa iti Indra"----It goes without doubt that He controls organs of mind also .So He tells He is "chetanaa " in all beings .Chetana, we say ; it is consiousness of beings. Consiousness comes when being applies the functioning with help of intellect-"buddhi". So Chetana and Buddhi go together.
Krishna says in this and coming all shlokaas all these things His existance, He shows, at 75 places in this ch; to help seekers, who seek the path of knowledge and meditation.
Sant Ggnanesher puts Krishna's vast existance in his Gnaneshwari Geeta .Sant wrote this at the age of 15 Some say at 19. He was accepted as saint and knowlegeble person when he was of 12 years.He describes;-Just we can not count the waves of sea, we can not count Krishna's places of existance - presence. The gold jwellary has differant design and name,but the gold stays same; similarly entities, creations are diffrant but AAtmaa is same soul is same in all. i.e. Krishna stays in all.For vastness--"vyaapaktaa"- Gnaneshwar says, just as fishes and other water dwelling animals are not able to know the infinity,depth greatness of sea; though they travel miles affected by the norms of sea water,hot or cold .The birds, who fly in sky so high and while migration fly miles &miles ;do not know about the greatness -the infinite area- the biggining, middle an end of it; we -the creation of God are not able to know about Krishna's beggining middle an end in this vast universe.
Krishna's existance is described by Gujaraati "AADI KAVI "-THE 1ST POET OF GUJARAATI -Narsimh mahetaa-this way in his poem .
"Akhil brhmaandma" means in whole universe, "Ek tu shree hari "means you are the only one o ! Hari !-"jujave-differant "rup" forms "anant bhaase "feels endless. "dehma dev tu " in body you are Dev i.e.Aatma."tejma" in light "tatv tu "you are the source , "PAVAN TU , PAANI TU "YOU ARE THE AIR ,YOU ARE WATER. "BHUMI tu " EARTH is you "BHUDHARAA" SUPORTER OF EARTH IS ALSO YOU. "GHAAT " GHADIYAA PACHHI " AFTER MAKING DIFFERANT DESIGNS "NAAM RUP "NAMES ARE DEFFERANT "ANTE " AT THE END "HEMNU HEM HOYE " THE GOLD REMAINS GOLD ONLY . You are the seed in the tree and you are the tree in the seed.-
Here I end up . Thank you .
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