
Presentation at Chinmaya vision center-3rd march 2019

Presentation at Chinmaya vision center    
Geeta studi group   ch. 18th shlokas 39,40,41       
date:- 3rd march 2019 

--We dis cussed about sukh - happiness\ pleasure last week . Buddha, Mahaveer etc. were great beings, who, recieved and enjoyed satvik sukh. We, ordinary people enjoy raajsik sukh and terrorist or wicked minded are enjoying taamsik sukh. After telling about the types of sukh, Krishna tells :- One gets sukh from one's action\activity;AS per one's apptitude or nature.It is divided into 4 varnaas- divisions of human society. Earliar in shlok 13th of ch. 4 Krishna has given hint of these varnaas  = chaatur vrnyam, mayaa srushtm, I created 4 varnaas; Gun dharm vibhaag sh :=as per the material nature and associated qualities with one . 
--Now here He explains in detail. He says; we have to understand the vrutti -tendency of mind, quality of nature of a person. According to person's nature ,a person chooses to live and do karm or according to his\her material nature. So , the person should not be labled by birth. A person born in one varna\cast ; its not necessary or compulsion to act as per that division. Means a person born in Brahmin kul division,may or can act as a businessmen,or a warrior or sevak-paricharak;-who gives services to the society. The  Brahmin can be called Vaishy, Kshtriy or Shudr;or vice versa. Saint Raidas was born in shudr division but considered as brahmin by karm.
--The association of Varna\division is ,with nature of person and again that nature is controlled by Trigunaas. Under the influence of trigunaas ;person select the act and that action -karma shows whether its Brahmin karma, Vaishy karma .Kshtriy or Shudr karma .This point of gunas effect is told in 40th shloka of this ch. So measuring with gunas ,the mankind is divided and not by heredity or by birth. 
This rule is applicable for whole world. 
--Now I will try to specify the qualities of varnaas. 
    Brahmin-- as per Geeta ,
Whom we call brahmin ?      As per shloka 42nd, :-- A person who has calmness\serenity, self control over the flow of thoughts about Sense-enjoyment i.e. SHAMA. while DAMA shows control over the disturbances come across in midst of Sensuous objects. Person do efforts  rigorously with concentration like meditation,i.e. TAPA. Again the person must have knowledge-  GANAGN,; VIGNANi.e. wisdom ; Frankness straightforwardness --SARALTA .Then comes purity at heart, kindness i.e. AARJVM. Forgiveness and belief in God .   These qualities make a person to be Brahmin. 
  Kshatriya:- A person who has valour, prowess --SHOURYA, who has courage\ boldness to meet challenges --TEJ .  Heroism and energy to pursuit  is quality of kshatriya.  He must have fortitude\patience\firmness--thinking about matter and take decision --DHRUTI .Then he should have skillfulness \alertness Chapalta \DAAKSHYAM. Kshatrya can't have escapism, he has to complete goal at any cost. -APLAAYAN VRUTTI .  He must have generosity i.e. having wish or desire to help those who are in need. countries keep budget for this in their economic  arrangement.--DAAN VRUTTI. 
    These are natural gunaas of kshatriya. A person born in any division, if he has these qualities ;he will act as kshatriya. Chaankya was brahmin by birth ,but he started giving lessons of YUDDH KALA and his mind has CHAATURY- skill of setting plans for war or to defeat enemy by his BUDDHI KAUSHLYA .He had gunaas of kshatriya. 
   There are 2 more divisions Vaishy and Shudra,about which we will learn in coming shlokaas.If I want to say about that ,I  can say in short, A person can have nature of farming, Kheti, sheep herding- pashu paalan,or to do business Vaishy vrutti,e.g. Our Neelbhai is Brahmin by birth and he is brahmin on sunday morning here , but at the same time he is Vaishya also; from monday to friday 😀 as he is running his business ! Same with Neeraj varma. He is Vaishya by birth ; but  he is brahmin by profession; 'coz he teaches giving vidya .
    About 4th division,Shudra; let me tell, till today we count only sweepers and cleaners as shudra. It's narrow thinking.The labourers and person who does seva for ill or needed person are also come in this category In shloka 44 Krishna uttered word PARICHRYAA,which means ready to do services for all. In aayurvedik hospitals they use word Parichaarak for nurses and ward boys.  The factory workers are SHRAM JEEVI-   workers at air port and sea port are also of this category. They put labour to complete the mission given to them .But I am sad to say that these people are counted as low cast  people. Society looks at them with scorned feeling or trifling- TUCCHHKAAR. The pay scale is also remained lowest. Just think,if these people stop working for only 15 days, what will be the state of city and house and hospitals ? ! Bad smell l, insects,disease will take over our lives.Strike of labourers will affect the economy. So Gandhiji removed the word shudra and gave word HARIJAN .And Karl Marks tryed to give laboures ,upper position in society.  Cleaners and labourers are doing work of shudrsa division from all divisions of society. Just like paricharak, even DRS ,come into this division with more knowledge about service.M.S.W. degree holder is also can be counted in this division. We give respect and honour to them and look low to others. The word Shudra makes the difference. Paricharak or sevak should be used instead. 
   I put that division on the top of 4 Varnaas.Sant Kabeer said "  Chaaro baran me harijan unche, na maano to shaakh bataau,; shabari ke bor prabhu khaaye,"
   Lastly I would like to quote written in swamiji's book .   "The type of man's äction", the quality of ëgo" ,the color of his "knowledge", the texture of his ünderstanding",the temper of his "fortitude änd the brilliancy of his ḧappiness" will define his Varna .
thank you. 

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